Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ms. Mondragon 11th Grade Anatomy

Skeletal Projects!
Skeletal Projects are to be turned on this friday! Please have your USB with your presentation ready to present with your group on friday morning. 
Here is the grading rubric for the presentation:

Extra Credit
As the end of the year approaches, I've received many emails regarding extra credit. You can earn 10 extra credit points to your final exam by watching this video on the Skeletal System and creating a 10 question Quiz based on the video.

As announced on class last Monday we will be having a field trip next month to the Skeleton Museum: Animals Unveiled. However 2 extra Chaperone's are required in order for this field trip to take place. If any parents or siblings older than 18 are willing to join us on this one in a life time experience please have them email me at:

Field Trip forms must be filled out and signed by parent/guardian by the 23rd of March!

Here is a link to the website if you would like more information on the location

Tickets will be $14 at the door which includes lunch

About Your Teacher!

Hi, My name is Ms. Mondragon. I've been teaching Anatomy for 4 years now at Dr.Michael Krop Senior High. I graduated from Florida Atlantic University 4 years ago with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. My husband Eric is a Police Officer and we've been married for 3 years now. We have two beautiful baby girl twins!                                      


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday:
7:15 - 8:00 a.m.

Phone: (305) 430-3489